Does Painting Cabinets Devalue Home Value?

By: Olivia Anderson

The question is, Does painting cabinets devalue home value? There are several factors to consider when painting your cabinets. You should contact professionals like Revitalize Coatings, But if you are a DIYers use two coats of paint, and be sure to prepare the surface properly. You should use a fine bristle brush, and paint in well-ventilated areas. Use masks from the paint store if you have any concerns about the fumes. Painting cabinets in warm yellow hues can increase the sale value of a home by $1,360.

The answer depends on the quality of the paint job and the quality of the cabinets. However, it can be a good investment if done right. While painting your kitchen cabinets may not decrease the overall value of your house, it can improve its appearance. Some homeowners choose bold colors, while others choose neutral colors, which appeal to a wider audience. If you’re considering selling your home, consider what colors are trending in the market and whether they’ll increase or devalue your home’s value.

If your cabinets are stained, you should use a primer before painting them. You can purchase a shellac-based pigmented primer like Zinsser’s BIN to cover up dark colors. This primer dries quickly and flat, and it prevents brush marks and fading. A good primer for painting cabinets is available at paint stores and online. However, if you’re concerned about resale value, don’t use a bold color – this could turn off buyers.

Before painting your cabinets, you must remove all the food and other items. Lay everything out and weed out anything you don’t need. If you don’t want to replace the doors, leave them on the hinges. This makes it easier to paint the facade of the cabinets. If you’re concerned that painting your cabinets will devalue your home, paint the hinges with a matching color. Once the painting is done, you can replace the doors.

Before you start painting, remember to label the cabinet panels with your name so that you’ll be able to reassemble them once they’re dry. Also, you’ll want to carefully prep the surface by removing the doors, using scrap wood or blocks, or propping them off the floor with foam or other materials. You can also add self-adhesive veneer sheets to the fronts of the cabinets and drawers.

Besides adding aesthetic value, the paint color of the cabinets should attract buyers. Choose a color that appeals to the buyer, and be sure to hire a professional painter to complete the job. Painting cabinets is a huge investment because they take up a significant amount of space in the kitchen. People bump into cabinets every day, so the color choice needs to be perfect. This is especially important because the wrong color choice will make the kitchen look dull and unattractive.

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