How to Manage Work-Life Balance in Australia?

By: Olivia Anderson

Australia is an educational hub for international students due to its education, lifestyle and culture. Students come to pursue their graduate and postgraduate studies. They struggle with maintaining work-life balance, and their studies get hampered. Due to this, they seek university assignment help for some solution.

According to an Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report, 20% of Australian men and 7% of women worked 50 hours or more per week in 2015. It noted that Australia is still among the bottom third of OECD countries working long hours, despite the reduction in hours.

This article discusses ways to manage your work-life balance while maintaining efficiency and mental health.

10 Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance

1.   Talk to your workplace manager/support.

Discuss your study goals and hours with them. Ask them if there are ways you can focus on your studies while working. There may be employer-funded training, reduced shift hours, flexible timing, job sharing, study leaves, etc. Use these wisely to work on your assignments, research and other studies.

2.   Plan realistically

A good schedule is your best companion. Plan in a way that balances both worlds while providing some time for yourself. Give yourself some time off to refresh and rejuvenate. Use this time to go for a walk, hang out with friends, watch a movie or catch up on some pleasure reading.

Planning helps avoid feeling burnout, distressed and unfocused. By following it consistently, you will be better able to manage time. Consult university assignment help while planning. Discuss your timings and current scenario with them so they can smooth things for you. While providing an expert’s perspective, they can give some assignment writers to simplify the tasks and organise them into a proper schedule.

3.   Prioritise your commitments

For a while, you will need to prioritise your actions. Dedicate time to studies and job. Reduce the time on your other comparatively less critical activities such as hanging out with friends often, going on trips, watching movies, etc. Be mindful of your time. Learn to say ‘no’ when you have too much on your plate.

4.   Work smarter, not harder

Listen to lectures while commuting or at work. Take your workplace as a basis for your research, if possible. Use your learnings in the real world and experiment with what works. You will develop a growth mindset when connecting academic knowledge with your practical life. Use your lunchtime or free time at work/university to read, research and prepare for your assignments. Your boss may be able to provide some study resources.

Consulting an assignment writer can provide valuable guidelines for crafting high-quality papers and improving grades. For additional tips and strategies, consider exploring informational blogs dedicated to academic writing and assignment excellence.

5.   Manage stress levels

When you divert from your scheduled plan, it creates tension and anxiety. If you spend more time with your friends, you can spend less time on your commitments. There must be some activity to release your stress. You may work out, journal, meditate or jog to clear your thoughts and have a positive outlook.

6.   Create a vision board

Keep motivating reminders to push you on your hard days. Remember why you started and what you want out of this struggle. What are you aiming to accomplish? There will be times when you begin to feel overwhelmed, alienated and frustrated. Create a goal, objective and a list to accomplish. Decorate it and use it as a reminder when you lose sight. Celebrate the small victories and reward yourself.

7.   Find your community

Many students juggle studies and work while maintaining a social and personal life. There are online communities through which students can seek assistance. You can reach out to discuss your studies, research, events, and tips to balance both worlds and manage life. It will allow you to make networks and connections that provide helpful suggestions and support.

You may consult a university assignment help that point towards such students. They may assist you academically while providing some relief.

8.   Consider taking courses only that you can manage.

Too many courses mean too many reading and writing submissions. To manage your time, consider adding or subtracting courses per the requirement. You can ask for details on how that can be done.

Talk to an assignment writer to get better insight into the courses. Discuss what is required and how it will benefit you. Assignment writers are experts familiar with the course requirements and difficulty of the subject. You can also seek university assignment help from them.

9.   Keep your friends and family in the loop.

Talk to them in your free time and update them about the new events. Tell them about your schedule, so your study time is unhampered. Share your accomplishments, and the compliments will provide a boost. It will offer you a fresh, positive perspective. Make time for your close ones, as they are the people who matter the most.

10. Use the available resources.

Often, the resources are right there in your university library. University libraries also offer a space to study during and after college hours. Ensure to utilise the free resources the most, saving money in your pocket. Consult your professor or librarian for assistance with reading material.

Use university assignment help to receive assistance from the experts. They have already paved the way, so you don’t have to struggle much.

Assignment providers like My Essay Mate offer excellent ways to manage your study-work balance. They are one of the best university assignments help services to provide original content with zero plagiarism. They do not sacrifice credibility and promise to deliver on time. They have 24*7 services, so any student from any part of the world can seek guidance from the experts. They have assignment writers with immense knowledge and experience. They provide benefits like:

  • Original content
  • Plagiarism free
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Timely delivery
  • One-on-one assistance
  • Student Confidentiality
  • Academic experts
  • Free Sample Papers
  • Affordable costs

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