Need an Intelligent App? Try App like Gojek & Earn More

By: Olivia Anderson

Would you like to use an app that offers more than 82+ services? Think about how much phone storage you can save by not installing individual apps like Uber, StyleSeat, Grab, etc. The app we’re talking about is App Like Gojek Clone. It is a multi-service app that lets your customers book taxi rides, hire plumbers, send parcels, and even consult with an academic tutor online! 

What makes this app so impressive? Let’s learn about things that make the app a phenomenal all-in-one service booking platform

5 Things That Make App Like Gojek “Smart!”

Launching the on-demand multi-service app means you are moving towards your success at lightning speed. Why would we say that? One, the on-demand app solution comes with multiple characteristics. The app is advanced, mature, user-friendly, market-tested, and on top of all, it is optimized to run on any device. 

1. Gojek Clone uses AI 

If you look at the list of new features integrated into the Gojek Clone KINGX 2022 app, you’ll see that the app uses AI. Now, your customers can login to the app with Face ID and Fingerprint Scanning. iPhone users can use their Face ID while Android users have Fingerprint Scanning! 

The AI-based login method is turned on directly from the app settings. 

2. COVID safety feature – facemask verification 

Another feature that stood out and helped customers to get back to commuting via taxis is facemask verification. During the pandemic, the WHO regulated that everyone must wear a mask to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. 

Therefore, the app integrated the feature where the drivers first need to click and upload their selfie-wearing masks. They can start the ride only after they upload the selfie. The feature enables the app admin to know that drivers follow COVID-19 precautionary measures. 

3. Voice note instructions 

The feature allows the customers to record and upload the voice note instructions on the app. In the instructions, they can instruct the delivery driver about the parking rules, where to drop off the package, etc. 

By simply pressing the record button on the app, customers can record the voice note and upload them. The driver can listen to the voice note instructions once they pick up orders from the store or restaurant. 

4. Consulting with professionals on the video call 

The Gojek Clone KINGX 2022 app lets your customers book a video consulting session with professionals like doctors, tutors, yoga instructors, and many others. The feature allows the customers effortlessly consult the expert without stepping out of their homes. 

Customers have to book an appointment on this on-demand app with a professional on the app. For instance, one customer wants to consult with a General Physician. Therefore, they can choose one of the physicians they to consult with and select a suitable timeslot for online video consultation. 

5. Bidding for service 

Gojek Clone app allows your customers to bid for the service virtually in real time. Bidding is only available for handyman tasks. For example, a customer wants to get their home painted. Thus, they need to “post a task” on the app after choosing the “home painter” category. While posting the task, customers need to mention: 

  • Service Category
  • Job Location
  • Budget
  • Task Specifics
  • Preferred Date & Time 

Once the service providers accept the offer, your customers can start bidding in real-time! 

Where to Find an Intelligent On-demand Multi-service App? 

That is one good question! The internet is a vast and wild place to look for a perfect on-demand app solution. However, if you search for the correct term, you can find it. The only drawback is that you cannot guarantee their quality. 

Therefore, to find a perfect Gojek Clone app for your multi-service business, look for a white-labelling firm. The firm you’d shortlist must offer these aspects: 

  • A decade-long industrial experience
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement 
  • 1 to 2 weeks delivery time to market 
  • White-labeling at no extra cost 
  • Free demo app trial 

In conclusion: 

To sum up, let’s see what else can this intelligent app do. Well, it can make you a millionaire and a successful businessman! So, grab the best Gojek Clone available in the market, white-label it, and launch it on the app stores. 

Become a successful entrepreneur and rule the on-demand industry in your region.

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