Salesforce ADM-201 exam questions cover an array of topics, including the use of fields, conditions, and consequences, page layout, custom objects, process automation tools, approval processes, and workflows. Whether you’re a seasoned Salesforce admin or brand new to the program, you can pass the exam with suitable study material.
For a quick test, you can use the Examsbrite free trial version. Then, if you’re not satisfied with the results, you can get a refund and try the practice exam again. The good thing about these Salesforce ADM-201 test questions is that they’re constantly update, so you can always expect them to be up-to-date.
Salesforce ADM-201 exam questions cover all aspects of the Salesforce sales platform. So, You can study the various aspects of the sales process, including creating opportunities, managing leads, and working with contacts. You’ll also be able to learn about everyday problems and troubleshoot them. The Salesforce ADM-201 practice questions also explain the questions so that you can thoroughly understand the material.
You can find Salesforce ADM-201 practice questions on the Examsbrite website. Taking the exam is not easy, so you’ll need to take some time to study. With the help of the practice tests provided by Examsbrite. So, You’ll be able to prepare for the Salesforce Administrator exam.
Salesforce Certified Administrator (SU22) Question and Answers
Questions 1
The VP of Sales at Cloud Kicks is receiving an error
a message that prevents them from saving an
Opportunity. The administrator attempted the same edit
without receiving an error.
How can the administrator validate the error the user is
A. Edit the page layout.
B. View the setup audit trail.
C. Log in as the user
D. Review the sharing model
Answer:- C
Questions 2
An administrator has been asked to change the data type
of an auto number to a text field.
What should the administrator be aware of before changing
the field?
A. Existing field values will remain unchanged.
B. Existing field values will be Convert.
C. Existing field values will be deleted.
D. Existing auto number field to Text is prevented.
Answer:- A
Questions 3
A user at Northern Trail Outfitters Is having trouble
logging into Salesforce. The user’s login history shows that this person has
attempted to log in multiple times and has been locked out of the organization.
Which two ways should the administrator help the user log
into Salesforce?
A. Log in as the user to unlock the user and reset the
B. Reset the password policies to allow the user to log in.
C. Reset the password on the user’s record detail page.
D. Use the unlock button on the user’s record detail page.
Answer:- C, D
Questions 4
What will happen to the Chatter post in this situation?
A. The pending Chatter post will be canceled.
B. The pending Chatter post will be sent on the 10th of
the month
C. The pending Chatter post will be pause.
D. The pending Chatter post will be sent in 30 days.
Answer:- D
Questions 5
Clod Kicks has the organization-wide defaults for
The opportunity is set to private.
which two features should the administrator use to open
up access to Opportunity records for sales users working on collaborative
Choose 2 answers
A. Sharing set
B. Role hierarchy
C. Profiles
D. Sharing rules
Answer:- B, D
Questions 6
Northern Trail Outfitters has a new flow that automatically sets the field values when a new account is created. That the flow is launch by a process, But the flow is not working properly.
What should administrator do to identify the problem?
- Use the native debug feature in the flow builder.
- Review debug logs with the login level.
- View the setup audit Trail and review for errors.
- Setup Email logs and review the send error log.
Answer:- A
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